Evaluation of some bread wheat varieties and monogenic lines for Adult Plant Resistance to Stem Rust and detection related proteins..

Document Type : Research articles


1 Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Menoufia, Shibin El-Kom,Egypt.

2 2Wheat Diseases Research Department, Plant Pathology Research. Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt


Stem rust disease is one of the most feared disease of wheat (in most wheat-growing regions of the world caused by (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Eriks & Henn) It has been also one of the most serious diseases in Egypt. Response of eleven  Egyptian wheat varieties i.e. Shandweel 1, Giza 168, Giza 171, Gemmeiza 11, Gemmeiza 12, Sids 14, Misr 1, Misr 2, Misr 3, Sakha 95 and the highly susceptible variety Morocco were evaluated against stem rust disease.  The results showed a high level of resistance of the varieties Giza 171, Misr 3, Sakha 95, Shandweel 1, Giza 168, Gemmeiza 11, Gemmeiza 12 and Sids 14. While these types had sensitive reactions Misr 1, Misr 2 and Morocco. The protein was analyzed and Ten protein bands with molecular weights ranging from 320 to 9 kDa are contained in wheat plants. Nine protein bands were appeared in all varieties. Band with molecular weight 320 kDa disappeared in Shandweel 1, Gemmeiza 12, Misr 1 and Misr 2.  whereas Band with molecular weight 270 kDa appeared in Shandweel 1, Misr 1 and Misr 2. According to the disease severity results showed that Shandweel 1, Misr 1 and Misr2. were the most susceptible varieties, its mean that the protein Band with molecular weight 270 kDa was related to the resistance to the stem rust disease .


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